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Amy's Essentials: Makeup Madness

Photo by AQ Photography

{Photo by AQ Photography}

{There are a lot of things in life that I find essential. They are not a necessity, mind you, but they are things that you both will want and need in your life after reading this post.}

When I was little, I never knew that you could buy makeup anywhere other than a drug store or fancy, expensive department store such as Nordstrom or Gottschalks. It wasn't until I was 13 that I discovered what would become both my vice and makeup savior: Sephora. And my obsession with makeup has only grown as the years go by, and it hit its peak when a Sephora was added to my local JcPenny's.

Living in Chico, we don't have a ton of options to buy makeup-- it's really either ordering online or going to the drug store-- so I never really had the chance to try out what is considered to be "quality" makeup on a regular basis until now. And, after several years of experience with makeup trials (and errors), what I've learned is that quality makeup can be found whether you buy it from a makeup chain or a drug store. It all depends on the brand.

Boom. Epiphany.

I buy most of my concealer, foundation, and mascara from Walmart, yet I am religious about buying more expensive eye liners and lipsticks. Why, one might ask? Because that is what works best for me. Makeup is a seriously personal item. It can transform your look, but more importantly, it can transform how you feel about yourself. What may work for someone else might not work the same for you, and that is okay. And that goes for what I deem "essential items" as well. All I know is that makeup is kind of like having a boyfriend-- you have to try a bunch of them until you discover your perfect match. (And trust me, I have had quite a few of those as well, so I should know.) These posts will simply be to tell you what products I have found to be awesome and that I couldn't live without now that I've tried them.

Please feel free to comment on what you think and send me the names of any products you think are awesome so that I can try them out too!

{I am in no way affiliated with any of the brands in these posts-- I simply write reviews on good products that I find to be awesome and essential to my makeup routine.}


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